Sunday, March 06, 2011

Yaquina Head Light - Haunted Oregon Lighthouse

Yaquina Head Lighthouse, also known as the Cape Foulweather Lighthouse, can be a spooky place on a dark, cold, windy night. Ghosts lurking, ship compasses not working ...
John Zenor, who served from 1932 - 1954 as Yaquina Head Light's keeper, reported of the ghost,'someone unseen would come in and go up the spiral stairs. After the war [WW II] we never heard him again.'
The ghosts of Captain MacClure and a young lady in a flowing dress have been encountered by many people over the last 120 years. And there are still reports of a ghost roaming the beach nearby - a young lady searching for her father who was swept out to sea.
Yaquina Head Light has always been popular with visitors, whether seen or unseen. Keeper Zenor reported at times he would have up to 600 visitors in a day. In 1938, with close to 12,000 visitors, it was the 4th most visited lighthouse in the United States. Today Yaquina Head Lighthouse is part of the Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area. It is still quite popular, receiving over 400,000 visitors a year. It is only open to the public during daylight hours. Perhaps so no one gets spooked.

Yaquina Head Light - Haunted Oregon Lighthouse

Yaquina Head Light - Haunted Oregon Lighthouse - Christine Till Fine Art Photography
© CT-Graphics - Christine Till

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