Friday, February 18, 2011

Burly Phantoms - Spruce Burls Beach One Olympic National Park, WA

The Olympic Peninsula and Olympic National Park in Washington State includes 73 miles of wild coastline and many unique beaches. Beach 1, near Kalaloch, is one of them.
Beach One features fascinating spruce burls. As you get closer to the ocean you will notice that the Sitka spruce have developed large nodules in their trunks. A burl is produced in a tree where an injury or other external stimulus, such as stress, has affected the growth pattern of the tree, causing it to grow a deformity which results in a beautiful wood. Beach One's moist environment seems to encourage these growths.

Burly Phantoms - Spruce Burls Beach One Olympic National Park, WA

Burly Phantoms - Spruce Burls Beach One Olympic National Park, WA - Christine Till Fine Art Photography
© CT-Graphics - Christine Till 2011

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