Piedras Blancas, which means 'white rocks', played a role in local maritime history long before the building of the Piedras Blancas light station. Before the lighthouse was built at Point Piedras Blancas a lookout from the San Simeon Whaling Station was posted on the property during the southbound migration of the California gray whale. When a whale was sighted the lookout signaled the whalers, who then hunted their prey from 30 foot long whaling boats.
The first-order Fresnel lens in the 115-foot Piedras Blancas Lighthouse tower was first illuminated on February 15, 1875. In 1949 a fierce storm damaged the lantern room, and the lens. Lantern room, ornate railing, and the beautiful sculpted upper portion of the tower had to be removed - the height of the lighthouse was reduced to 74 feet. A rotating aero beacon was placed atop the shortened tower, and the lightstation returned to service.
In 1975 the tower was automated and the light station unmanned. The new VRB-25 beacon, installed in 2006, uses only a very small 12 volt halogen light, but the light can be seen up to 21 miles.
Piedras Blancas historic Light Station - Outstanding Natural Area Central California
© Christine Till - CT-Graphics
© Christine Till - CT-Graphics
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