Monday, April 02, 2012

View from Königstein Fortress Germany

Königstein Fortress (German: Festung Königstein), located the geographic region known as the Saxon Switzerland in Saxony, Germany, is one of Europe’s architecturally and historically most unique mountain fortresses.
By far the oldest written record of the medieval castle on the Königstein is found in a deed by King Wenceslas I of Bohemia dating to the year 1233. The fortress played an important role in the History of Saxony. It was never conquered, it had too much of a chilling reputation. Only the chimney sweep, Sebastian Abratzky, managed to climb the vertical sandstone walls in 1848. The Abratzky Chimney (Abratzky-Kamin) named after him is a grade IV climbing route that is still climbed today.
From 1722 to 1725, at the behest of August the Strong, coopers built the enormous Königstein Wine Barrel (Königsteiner Weinfass), the greatest wine barrel in the world with a capacity of 249,838 liters in the cellar of the Magdalenenburg. The butt was once completely filled with country wine from the Meißen vineyards.

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